Fishing Gear Technology

By Jade Boughton

Thünen Institute (Baltic Sea Fisheries Institute)

The Thünen Institute (German Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries) has different units;

  • Agriculture and Food Economy

  • Forestry and Wood Economy

  • Fisheries and Aquaculture (includes the Baltic Sea Fisheries Institute)

The overarching objective of the institute is to secure the sustainable use of natural resources, using both long term research and continuous monitoring. It belongs to the federal ministry of food, agriculture and fisheries, and science based political advice is one of the core aims of the institute. Therefore, the results from their scientific work are often adapted into guidelines and standards, and in some cases, they are also used in regulations and legislation.

The Baltic Sea Fisheries Institute focuses on different areas, for example living marine resources, reproductive biology and fisheries management. My work whilst at the institute was mainly related to fishing and survey technology, which concentrates on developing environmentally friendly and energy efficient fishing gear.

Gillnet Modification

Gillnets are a type of fishing gear, where the net hangs in the water column like a 'wall' with floats and weights (Figure 1). They are usually left for several hours before they are collected.

Harbour porpoises are small cetaceans that can easily get entangled in these nets and drown, as they can not reach the surface to breathe (they can only hold their breath for a couple of minutes) (Figure 2 and 4).

This project has attempted to make the gillnet more visible to harbour porpoises echolocation, which is when they emit acoustic signals (sound) and use the difference in the time of the returned echoes to perceive their environment (for example, to determine their distance from a target).

The acrylic spheres that are being added to the gillnet (video of gillnet modification) were tested, along with other materials and chosen because they have the same density as seawater (neutrally buoyant), are small in size and produce an omnidirectional echo.

This means that they can reflect a harbour porpoises echolocation from multiple directions, so the porpoise does not need to be in front of the net for it to become more visible (acoustically visible from multiple angles).

Everyday at the experimental site (Figure 3 and 7) a modified gillnet, standard gillnet or no net was deployed and the harbour porpoises interactions with these nets or no net were recorded, both visually and acoustically.

These observations were made using a theodolite (device that measures position of harbour porpoise in relation to the observer) placed at one viewing location (high up to view from above) which tracks the harbour porpoises and can take pictures of their surfacing and follow their path (Figure 5); along with multiple C-PODs (hydrophones ('underwater microphones')) around the experimental site, which record the underwater sounds of the harbour porpoises.

A helium balloon with a camera attached was also deployed over the site to add another view on the possible behaviour displayed (Figure 6).

These results will be used to determine if the modified gillnet is more visible to harbour porpoises and thus reduces their bycatch.

Gillnet modification.mp4

Video of gillnet modification


Video 1: FLEX fishing gear


Video 2: ROOFLESS fishing gear

Fish Behaviour

During the capture process of different fishing gear, fish species usually have varying behaviours that lead either to their escape or retainment (capture). The images and videos of this section show two different types of fishing gear – trawl fishing (active) and fish pots (passive). For both gears there are examples of different modifications that have varying goals.

The fish pot images (Figure 8, 9 and 10) may look very similar but are actually modifications. Figure 8 shows a fish pot with a modified pot entry – the funnel that leads to the entry is longer than other fish pots. There are many different designs to try and improve the efficiency of fish pots, for example the length or the colour of the pot entry. The response to these designs usually differs for different fish species, with some being more likely to enter a longer entry and others less likely. Another alteration that can be used to try and encourage entry to the fish pot is the addition of bait or light, which also has different effects.

Figure 9 is of a fish pot with a Fish Retention Device (FRD) made of transparent acrylic ‘fingers’ that are designed to allow easy entry and reduce possible escape. Similar to other alterations, different colours of the FRDs have been deployed (Figure 10), but these seemed to deter the fish from entering the fish pot, as many were observed to abort their entry attempt.

Research to improve the efficiency and attractiveness of fish pots has increased because they are more environmentally friendly and experience very little bycatch compared to passive or active nets. However, they currently can not match the catch of these gears, as they cover a smaller area thus have a lower chance of possible encounters with fish. Hence why different designs and visual or olfactory attractants are being tested to try and improve their catch. There is particular focus on olfactory bait due to the greater distance it can act over to attract fish.

Trawls (towed nets) can also be modified.

The first modification is the FLEX (FLatfish EXcluder), which was altered by adding a ‘window’ to the bottom panel of the net to encourage the escape of flatfish (Figure 11 and 12). From previous video footage of trawls that catch flatfish (bycatch) and cod (target) it was observed that flatfish behave in a very particular way during the capture process. This is because they seem to stay near the bottom part of the trawl net, usually in contact with the net. The FLEX in Figure 11, 12 and Video 1 is the second version, as it has an extension of the net past the window, which was not present in the first. During the first FLEX trawl it was observed that the flatfish would escape through the window but then swim back into the net. Based on this and previous behaviour it was concluded that the sudden loss of the net changed their behaviour. The second version shows that this conclusion is likely true, as the escape of flatfish increased when the ‘flying carpet’ was added, whilst there was little impact on cod capture.

Video 2 shows a modified trawl called ROOFLESS, where a section of the top panel of net was removed to encourage the escape of cod, whilst retaining flatfish. For both of these adaptations the behaviour differences of cod and flatfish during the trawl were used, as cod are observed to avoid the net and stick to the middle of trawl. Similarly, this modification increased cod escape but had little effect on the capture of flatfish. The ROOFLESS design is being tested due to new changes in cod guidelines in the Baltic Sea, which is causing some fisheries to want to try and capture flatfish instead of cod, hence the cod capture must be decreased.

By recording and classifying these behaviours using video analysis software, such as BORIS (a behavioural observation research interactive software) (Figure 13) and then analysing them using different R packages, they can be used to help make decisions about possible gear modifications to increase their efficiency and sustainability. R can also be used to create visual representations of a species behavioural sequence during the capture process and this called a behaviour tree (quantitative method) (Figure 14). The 'leafier' the tree is the more behavioural events that occurred in relation to the fishing gear. This method also considers the probabilities of a behaviour occurring, along with the probability that another behaviour may occur after the previous one (the behavioural sequence). It is used to assess the functioning of a certain gear, but it can also be used to assess the fish, for example their possible stress (observed from their behaviour). This all aids with the goal of creating energy efficient, environmentally friendly, sustainable fishing gear.


  • All photos and videos (except those otherwise stated) are property of the Thünen Institute (Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, taken between 2018 and 2020)

  • Chladek, J. et al. (2020) ‘Development and testing of fish-retention devices for pots: transparent triggers significantly increase catch efficiency for Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua )’, ICES Journal of Marine Science. Edited by M. Pol, p. fsaa214. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa214.

  • Chladek, J. et al. (2021) ‘Using an innovative net-pen-based observation method to assess and compare fish pot-entrance catch efficiency for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)’, Fisheries Research, 236, p. 105851. doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105851.

  • Friard, O, Gamba, M. (2016). BORIS: a free, versatile open-source event-logging software for video/audio coding and live observations. British Ecological Society. 7 (11), p1325-1330.

  • Hedgärde, M. (2016) ‘Explaining catch efficiency of cod pots using in situ behavioural studies’. Available at: (Accessed: 28 March 2017).

  • ICES (2019) ‘ICES/FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB)’, p. 365. doi: 10.17895/

  • ICES (2021) ‘ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour’. doi: 10.17895/ICES.PUB.8022.

  • Kallayil, J. K. et al. (2003) ‘Baiting gill nets—how is fish behaviour affected?’, Fisheries Research, 61(1–3), pp. 125–133. doi: 10.1016/S0165-7836(02)00181-9.

  • Kratzer, I. M. F. (2021) Gillnet modifications to reduce bycatch of harbor porpoises. PhD Thesis. DTU Aqua.

  • Santos, J. et al. (2020) ‘Quantifying the performance of selective devices by combining analysis of catch data and fish behaviour observations: methodology and case study on a flatfish excluder’, ICES Journal of Marine Science, p. fsaa155. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa155.

  • Santos, J. 2021. ‘ICES/FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB)’. 22nd April 2021, Bergen.

  • Schartmann, H. (2019) Activity pattern of the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena in the coastal waters of Fyn (Denmark). Master Thesis. Universität Rostock.

  • Stepputtis, D. 2021. ‘Thunen Institute Lecture – Gear Technology’. 14th June 2021, Rostock.

  • Universita degli studi di Torino. (2016). Behavioral Observation Research Interactive Software. Available: Last accessed 27th Jun 2021.

  • Winger, P. D., Løkkeborg, S. and Pol, M. V. (2016) ‘Fish Capture by Baited Pots. A Review of Fish Behaviour’, Journal of Ocean Technology, 11(4), p. 13.

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